Have you ever opened your freezer to find it full?
What a great feeling!
Our freezer meat (a whole, half, or quarter steer or hog) is the best way to achieve this. Click below to order one now!
We have three generations of full-time farmers, all working together to care for the animals to guarantee the healthiest animals and the best tasting meat. This is what we do, and frankly it's all we do. We spend every day and all day farming.
Our beef are Limousin /Holstein crosses which produce superb marbling and flavor while capitalizing on yield. We have a full-time dairy and we breed some of our dairy cows to Limousin beef breed to produce these excellent steers for your freezer. This practices reduces unwanted bull calves. We chose the Limousin breed due to its excellent immune system.
Our pigs are red wattle hogs. They are raised on a large pasture with a run-in shed. They are processed at a small USDA inspected facility. This pork is a real treat!
Selling locally raised beef pork and chicken.